Ogina, who coauthored a book called the northern copper inuit with the late anthropologist, richard g. We specialize in west african, caribbean folk, dancehall fusion, hip hop. Drum dancing by attima hadlari of cambridge bay inspires a young boy to get up and join him on oct. Helen kalvak, cm kalvakadlak 1901 7 may 1984 was a copper inuit graphic artist from. Initially thought it was a pirated copy, but turns out it was my fault for expecting a normally bound book with a spine that would allow me to put it in the bookcase, or at least with professional pictures and images. Community revives traditional songs, dances at senior. Mar 01, 2021 in 2019, ogina also worked to produce the huqqullaarutit unipkaangit drum dance songbook, published by inhabit media. I grew up singing and drumming my whole life, and after he passed on, i became the leader of the drum dance group. The second promotional video in the inuvialuit hd drum dance series has been released. Jan 08, 2018 today the elder is rediscovering those songs by attending a weekly drum dance singing group in her community, cambridge bay, nunavut. Over a decade ago now, we began to work with the kugluktuk elders drum dance group to build on inuinnait drum dance song research they had been working on, with 40 traditional songs recorded and transcribed by roy inuktalik and julia ogina. Mary kapbak okheena also goes by memorana, krappak, kappak is an inuvialuit graphic artist known for her stencil prints including muskox waiting for the tide to cross water 1986 and shaman dances to northern lights 1991, drawings and embroidery. Shot in and around inuvik, northwest territories over 2012, 20 and 2014.
Emily kudlak alice kaodloak ulukhaktok elders with cynthia chambers and helen balanoff. He has also worked as a guide on many sport hunts for muskox and polar bears and through his carpentry work has helped build many of the new homes in ulukhaktok. In 1960, kalvak moved to holman presentday ulukhaktok after the. The residents performed these dances in the local school gymnasium for t. Huqqullaarutit unipkaangit stories told through drumdance songs is a project launched by the kitikmeot inuit association kia aimed at helping preserve the regions dialects, including inuinnaqtun. Ulukhaktok drum dancer and hockey player attends irc cup by samantha mckay february 21, 2018. Print by mabel nigiyok, ulukhaktok eskimo cooperative. Mary kapbak okheena is an inuvialuit graphic artist known for her stencil prints including muskox waiting for the tide to cross water 1986 and shaman dances to northern lights 1991, drawings and embroidery. A nunavut woman will receive a national honor for her work. This song, alvaksamaaliqsugu, is the first copper inuit drum.
Aklavik youth getting a balloon ready for the 25th ifa anniversary celebrations. The aklavik delta drummers and dancers inuvialuit hd. Musk ox horn carving sandhill crane with caribou antler. My grandfather was the leader of our drum dance group back in ulu, memogana said. When finely polished, the horns have a warm translucent glow. Okheena in 1977, at holman ulukhaktok mary kapbak okheena also goes by memorana, krappak, kappak 1 is an inuvialuit 2 graphic artist 3 known for her stencil prints including muskox waiting for the tide to cross water 1986 and shaman dances to northern lights 1991, drawings and embroidery. Online contests were the mainstay, with many hamlets running jigging contests, canada day clothes contests and best lawn display contests. Ulukhaktok holman agnes nanogak goose and her family settled in holman when she was fourteen years old. The steady beat of the drums, the roaring songs, the contagious energy. Awards, royal canadian academy of arts order of canada. Cambridge bay woman honoured for work revitalizing inuit. The ulukhaktok western drummers and dancers inuvialuit.
Huqqullaarutit unipkaangit is also a beginning for more understanding, spanning the regions dialectsfrom ulukhaktok, oginas hometown which is now in the northwest territories, to taloyoak and kugaaruk at. They are a window to our history, said julia ogina, the. Produced and directed by tony devlin for the inuvialuit regional corporation and black fly studios. Pitquhirnikkut ilihautiniq kitikmeot heritage society. The songs contained in huqqullaarutit unipkaangit, or stories told through drum dance songs, span the dialects of the western arctic, from oginas hometown of ulukhaktok, to taloyoak and kugaaruk, at the eastern edge of the. Aug 28, 2016 once on board, the ulukhaktok locals were happy to provide an interactive glimpse into their unique culture.
Inuit artists davic gallery of native canadian arts. I particulary likethis book because it is written on a higher reading level than most of your typical legends. An inuvialuit way of life education, culture and employment. Drumdance song book shares powerful tradition in western. Facilitating human potential through rhythm performance in world music series. The drum was passed around by everyone from elders to teenagers while the. Choice of the dance as a source of lifeaffirming images, this book argues, was not accidental among four of todays most influential poets. When seeking peace and serenity for the soul, buddy participates in western style drum dance gatherings. Musk ox horn carving sandhill crane with eggs on musk ox. Drum dance deals with some pretty mature adult themes. Also turns out printing color pages is too expensive. We flew into ulukhaktok with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. Rollicking, rhythmic, and fun, robert heidbreders drumheller dinosaur dance is in my opinion truly in many ways a simply perfect choice for young dinosaur enthusiasts although the fact that there are indeed quite a number of somewhat advanced vocabulary choices featured might well render the authors verses a trifle too potentially difficult and advanced for especially recently independent. Ogina, 46, originally from ulukhaktok formerly known as holman says her first memory as a child goes back to a time when her parents attended a drum dance at her greatgrandfathers house.
She beat the drum with a stick while repeating a magic incantation. Drum dancing is a way of celebrating, of being happy, of bringing. The drum was passed around by everyone from elders to teenagers while the women sang. Dec 7, 20 promo video for the ulukhaktok western drummers and dancers. I noticed that drum dancing groups vary in skill, style and enthusiasm throughout the inuvialuit settlement regions isr here is some drum dancing from the hamlet of ulukhaktok. The dancing drum a cherokee legend is an excellent book to usein the classroom to teach legends and folktales. Packed with action, adventure and paranormal mystery, and set in the canadian arctic in the late 1930s, the intriguing plot blends inuit traditions with the external conflicts between 17yearold david jansson and his despotic father, per, while they simultaneously struggle against their own inner demons. Promo video for the ulukhaktok western drummers and dancers. Centre provides culturally coherent activities such as drum dancing. Search items inuvialuit cultural centre digital library.
He said drum dancing has always been an important part of his life. Drum dance song book shares powerful tradition in western nunavut. He is known for his detailed muskox horn crane, whale and mask carvings. For both of the nights performances it was standing room only in galaxy lounge. The inuvik drummers and dancers inuvialuit hd drum dance. A new drum dance song book is helping people relearn their. The ulukhaktok western drummers and dancers inuvialuit hd drum dance series inuit people, american. Ulukhaktok western drummers and dancers public group facebook. Drum dancing video from the inuvialuit regional corporation. Aug 10, 2011 i noticed that drum dancing groups vary in skill, style and enthusiasm throughout the inuvialuit settlement regions isr here is some drum dancing from the hamlet of ulukhaktok. While this isnt a true sequel to spirit lights, people who have read that book are going. Ulukhaktok drum dancer and hockey player attends irc cup by samantha mckay february 21, 2018 february 21, 2018.
She is part of the third generation of organized graphic artists in the canadian arctic. Shot in and around ulukhaktok, northwest territories, september 2012. In 2010, we went to kugluktuk with a group from cambridge bay and ulukhaktok for a drum dance workshop. There are regular dance and drumming events at the community centre, as well as the kingalik. The ulukhaktok western drummers and dancers inuvialuit hd. Ulukhaktok drum dancer and hockey player attends irc cup. Her interest in history and culture is longstanding ogina says her first memory is of attending a drum dance at her greatgrandfathers house. A new drum dance song book is helping people relearn their traditional language and songs of their ancestors. Eliot, hart crane, theodore roethke, and william carlos williamsdespite temperamental and artistic differenceswas to find an order beneath the surface of visible things. The aklavik delta drummers and dancers inuvialuit hd drum. May 4, 2016 search the premium collection of editorial and creative images from awardwinning photographers. The inuvialuit living history project brings together inuvialuit community members and researchers to document and share. Promo video for the aklavik delta drummers and dancers. Ulukhaktok western drummers and dancers started by founding members jimmy memogana, agnes nanogak goose and later joined by jimmys wife, nora hayulak memogana.
This piece was carved by inuit artist buddy nutik alikamik. Best time to book a flight to ulukhaktok, northwest territories. Alan alikatuktuk grew up in paallavvik, near broughton island ans is the youngest of five children. Jul 07, 2020 across the beaufort delta, residents and communities found many creative ways to celebrate canada day while protecting each other from covid19. Ulukhaktok is a small hamlet of 396 people statistics canada, 2017 in. Play a round of golf on the most northernly golf course, dancing and drumming, bird watching, explore the art, these are all fun activities to. Inuvialuit final agreement celebrating 25 years by zoe. It would also be perfect to use if you are doing a native american project, as for it tells so much about the cherokee tribe. Ulukhaktok drum dance doc shoot ulukhaktok holman, nwt s. Featuring the ulukhaktok western drummers and dancers. This steel tongue drum adopt titanium alloy as material, more strengthen, better corrosion resistance and heat resistance than carbon steel ones. I hope readers enjoy davids story about his two years at a furtrading post.
The main character is dancing drum, a little indian boy. Buddy learned to carve from his grandfather jimmy memogana the late, great leader of ulukhaktok western style drummers and dancers. Western drummers and dancers inuvialuit hd drum dance series. For ogina, huqqullaarutit unipkaangit is also a beginning for more understanding, spanning the regions dialectsfrom ulukhaktok, oginas. This was the foundation work for the drum dance song book huqqullarutit unipkaangit stories told through drum dance songs. Residents first nations of ulukhaktok, nt, canada perform traditional drum dances. We license royaltyfree, rights managed and released photography, maps and video from our historic content library. Annie pitsiulak and ananaisie alikatuktuk, and thomasie alikatuktuk was a wellknown printmaker. The book, dancing drum, is a cherokee legend that has been passed on and retold many different times. Inuvialuit final agreement celebrating 25 years by zoe ho. Improving youth mental wellness services in an indigenous context.
In 2019, ogina also worked to produce the huqqullaarutit unipkaangit drumdance songbook, published by inhabit media. This book would be wonderful to use in a 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade classroom. Turns out original binding was too weak and the book kept breaking, so the author switched to plastic coil binding. Ulukhaktok kangiryuarmiutun inuit language spelling ulukhaqtuuq ulukh. This song, alvaksamaaliqsugu, is the first copper inuit drum dance song in the song book. Justin memogana, centre, has been drum dancing since he was a young child. The music is mainly based on the sound of drums and the singing and. Ulukhaktok drum dance doc shoot ulukhaktok holman, nwt. Many communities held parades throughout town, with residents joining fire trucks and rcmp cruisers. Community revives traditional songs, dances at senior centre. Sometimes you need to find the book, cddvdvideo, map, or. This book contains of of the elements characteristic of a legend. What a truly warm and inviting traditional community.
Feb 11, 2015 promo video for the ulukhaktok western drummers and dancers. Through her father, who was from nome, alaska, and her mother, a mackenzie delta inuit, she received two different cultural influences that would later feed her imagination and become the source of a rich artistic output. Jun 2, 2018 promo video for the ulukhaktok western drummers and dancers. The elders were seated in chairs, while fresh bannock was passed around during the performance. On the last day, one of the women called and said that they were going to do a drum dance for us and they did. Shot in and around aklavik, northwest territories over 2012, 20 and 2014. Keyword boolean exact match search only these record types. Welcome to ulukhaktok oohluckhawktalk crystal insider. Ulukhaktok holman, nwt shoot for my documentary and client project on inuitinuvialuit drum dancing.
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